There is a big factor that's often overlooked in these debates, one that was even glossed over by the EckhartsLadder video on the topic. I'm bringing it up because IMO this match hasn't really been explored well, outside of a few frames seen in the opening scenes of EP III.

For a direct comparison, you can look at the Venator Class Star Destroyer and the Imperial Class. Alexandre Vania 5:54am Hello you could give me the models and the materials of the map rp_venator_providence_battle exactly Major CIS providence ship 1051. Venators are primarily carriers, while the Providence is more of a hybrid carrier/battleship. In other words it's easier to transfer power directly into 8 guns that it would be to transfer it into 16 guns for example. gorgeous! Version 2 of the Providence vs Venator for starwars Men at war assault sqaud 2 editor only! Ship to ship the Providence would win almost every time. Turbolasers use tibanna gas same as blasters. My headcanon is that the breech-loaded guns are a modification similar to the ventral SPHA-T. Star Trek advantages: * Can use teleporters * Faster big ship speed in space * Better overall sensors * Phasers seem more accurate. Besides, if extra reactor power is truly as useful as you claim, why didn't the seperatists simply add more reactors to their Providences? The Venator carries more and better fighter craft, so it would likely establish space superiority relatively quickly and then it could augment its own weaponry with bomber runs. But put more energy than it can handle through a cable, and the cable simply melts.